A connective tissue massage to the body is applied to the skin layer between the skin and muscles. Connective tissue massage gives the skin firmness, stimulates the blood flow and makes the skin supple and firmer. During connective tissue massage more collagen is produced, which prevents skin aging gone. Other advantages are: waste products are removed, the skin is more elastic and old wounds or scar tissue will heal faster.
Because connective tissue cells are stimulated, the skin makes new cells faster, collagen and elasticity, as a result the skin becomes tighter and firmer and the improve skin condition.
The connective tissue massage will help make the skin look younger, fitter and healthier. It helps to make fine lines and wrinkles disappear. The condition of the skin improves.
For example:
A connective tissue facial massage as a treatment course often consists of 8 to 11 treatments and the massage is performed 1 to 2 times a week. Connective tissue massage is very effective for many skin problems. Do you also want healthy and radiant skin?
A sports massage is a firm massage technique, which ensures that your connective tissue is loosened and knots are removed from your muscles. With sports massage, deep massage is done into the muscles. It can sometimes be a painful treatment. The massage ensures that waste products in your muscles are removed faster.
It is good for the blood circulation of muscles. Sports massage stimulates blood flow and can also be used preventively to prevent injuries or, if you already suffer from an injury.
A sports massage ensures a faster recovery of the body after a sports activity or after several activities. For example, after an intensive workout or sport, a sports massage is a good option because your muscles, tendons and joints are overloaded again and again. As a result, you often get muscle pain. By doing a sports massage after the overload you can prevent muscle pain. If you already have an injury, a sports massage also helps, it has a positive effect on your body, it not only keeps your muscles more flexible or healthy, it also ensures better blood flow.